In the first of 2 videos, Dr Sara Arenas discusses the role of the pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team. Pulling from her experience in medicine management, she describes the various aspects to consider in the financing and stocking of medicines.
Dr Sara Arenas continues her discussion on the role of the pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team, specifically focusing on the vital clinical contribution pharmacists provide to patient care.
Watch Dr Christian Reiss discuss different waste management processes for hazardous drug disposal in three key areas of the drug pathway: the pharmacy, the ward and the patient’s home.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is widespread in the medical workforce caused by repetitive movement or overuse. It can affect the muscles, nerves, or tendons mostly in the upper body. This factsheet provides an overview of recent facts and figures on the prevalence, risk factors, impact, and mitigation of RSI.