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Author: Marta Trojniak

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Compare how the “do’s and don’ts” of hazardous drug handling differ across Europe and discover how international directives could impact your working practice with this module. Watch Marta Trojniak introduce her updated module.

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Authors: Susanne Cruikshank & José Manuel Martínez Sesmero

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The Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic Substances Directive (CMRD) is entering into law in April 2024. It contains guidance for employers on how to keep healthcare staff safe at work when handling hazardous medicinal products. Watch this conversation between Susanne Cruikshank and José Manuel Martínez Sesmero to understand more about the importance of the CMRD.

Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic substances Directive (CMRD)

Key Paper Evaluation

Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic substances Directive (CMRD)

Updates to directive 2004/37/EC of the European Parliament and European Council were appoved on 8 March 2022. This 2-pager summarises the updates which are set to be released this year.

Clearing up the confusion – closed systems versus CSTDs

Editorial article

Clearing up the confusion – closed systems versus CSTDs

This short editorial summarises the definitions of closed systems versus closed system drug transfer devices.

Contamination along the Care Continuum

Interactive guide to the guidelines

Contamination along the Care Continuum

This interactive pathway maps the key guidelines onto the various points of potential hazardous drug contamination in the hospital.

CSTDs vs Closed Systems

CSTDs vs Closed Systems

Engineering controls such as closed systems and CSTDs are essential for safe handling of hazardous drugs. This infographic illustrates the differences between closed systems and CSTDs.

Engineering controls for the safe administration of hazardous drugs

Key Paper Evaluation

Engineering controls for the safe administration of hazardous drugs

This one-pager summarises key information from three important documents for engineering controls: a joint position statement from the Oncology Nursing Society and the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Assocation, the USP <800>, and the NIOSH Hierarchy of Controls

Environmental Wipe Sampling – Personnel and Practices

Editorial article

Environmental Wipe Sampling – Personnel and Practices

This editorial explains who is responsible for monitoring surface contamination of hazardous drugs, and why it is so important

EU strengthens protection of healthcare workers from hazardous substances


EU strengthens protection of healthcare workers from hazardous substances

This infographic explains the changes to the Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic Substances Directive, and how this will affect healthcare workers.

Expert opinion: hazardous drug exposure of healthcare workers

Authors: Alison Simons and Samantha Toland

Expert opinion: hazardous drug exposure of healthcare workers

The use of hazardous drugs (HD) for example cytotoxic drugs to treat cancer, has increased exponentially over the last 40 years. Sadly, however the awareness of the risks in administering HD has not increased at the same rate. Hear what two nurses have to say about the role of nurses in the handling of these drugs and what controls can be put in place to help mitigate the risks.